The club is a relaxed and informal group when we are meeting at our usual venues, Aldwickbury Golf Club or the Plough & Harrow.

Our normal process is to invite you along, being hosted by a member who will guide you through the events and make sure you get enough to eat and drink; we nearly always have a meal. You then enjoy it so much that you want to return a time or two and then decide you would like to come along under your own steam.

There is no age, sex, employment, etc, restriction nor a compulsion to come along every Wednesday. These aspects of Rotary went by the board some time ago.

You will learn what we do and whom we help locally, nationally and internationally, but please ask for as much information as you like.

Eventually you feel the time is right to say ‘Yes, count me in,’ and your application to join will be forwarded to the Club Council by your proposer.

Alternatively, if there is the possibility of your joining the club in the reasonably near future, or you are interested in establishing a new Rotary entity in Harpenden, you may seek to become an Associate Member. The benefits include:

  • Receipt of the club meeting newsletter
  • Attending club meetings as a guest of a full member
  • Invitations to social occasions such as President’s Night
  • Invitations to help at events organised by the club or Rotary in Harpenden
  • A reduced annual subscription of £10.