Harpenden Village Rotary Club was chartered in 1988. Our 40+ members, men and women, meet on Wednesday evenings most weeks, discussing our plans, listening to interesting speakers or getting out on a visit. They also have strong links with local schools and have worked with The Prince’s Trust in helping struggling young people make something of their life.

But we make the most of the diverse skills and experience of our members by giving help, along with others, to Rotary in Harpenden, the charity that organises and runs community events in Harpenden and the surrounding villages.

Several of their events and activities aim to help youngsters make the most of their potential – schools’ mock interviews, debating, a photography competition and a technology tournament. Another – Young Citizen Awards – recognises teenagers’ concern for others.

Then there are the diverse ways Rotary in Harpenden raises funds or collects gifts for charity – Rotary shoe boxes, Schools’ Christmas Carol Concert and the Harpenden Quiz of Quizzes.

Their flagship event, to which we give substantial support, is Classics on The Common, one of the UK’s biggest mid-week classic car shows, held on Harpenden Common each July. This major community event attracts many thousands of residents and visitors, brings business to the town and raises substantial funds for local, children’s, and international charities.

For more information on events and activities, click here

Harpenden Village Rotary Club is part of the worldwide Rotary International whose members help when disasters like earthquakes or floods occur across the world, responding quickly with survival kits like ShelterBoxes. As these items are handled by local Rotarians or trusted agencies, we are confident that they are reaching the people who desperately need them.

End Polio Now is a campaign begun by Rotary International in 1985. Since 1988 it has worked in partnership with the World Health Organisation, local agencies and, more recently, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to eradicate the killer disease from the world.

In October 2019, Rotary and its partners announced that wild polio virus type 3 had been certified as eradicated worldwide. This achievement means that two of the three wild polio strains have now been wiped out.

Ten months later, in August 2020, Africa was certified polio-free. But with the virus still circulating in Afghanistan and Pakistan the End Polio Now campaign continues.

Where we meet

Aldwickbury Park Golf Club, Piggottshill Lane, Harpenden, Hertfordshire AL5 1AB.
We meet on Wednesdays, 19.15 for 19.45.
Telephone: 01582-760112.
Get directions to Aldwickbury Park Golf Club

 If you would like more information please contact our secretary at hvrc.sec@btinternet.com. Why not arrange with him to join us at a meeting to find out more?